Perpetual Licenses

A Perpetual License is valid without time limitation, it is per se lifelong.

The Perpetual License is more expensive compared to the price of an Annual Plan but does not end after 12 months.

Buying this kind of license is an investment for long-term utilization of the CAD software.

The Perpetual License includes:

To buy a Perpetual License online:

Renewal of free updates and e-mail support

If you want to keep on updating your Perpetual License and continue accessing e-mail support with all the features listed above, you will need to renew this service any time within a 13 month period.

When the first 12 month period of the Perpetual License ends:


A renewal adds 12 months of update and support service to the expiry date, for example:

To keep update and support service for a Perpetual License:

Related Topics

Annual Plan License

Parent Topic

Understanding License Types